More Fake, T1 Reveals Top Picks for LoL Worlds 2024 Skins Last Today


In a thrilling final at the 2024 Silver Scraps Worlds, T1 emerged victorious to take the hefty crown in London and become the Lol world champions for the fifth time, record.

Just like every year, all players on the winning team will be able to choose a champion they used in the tournament and earn cosmetics that immortalize their legacy key custom additions to their cosmetics, creating treasured additions that fans can add to their inventory to remember the occasion .

During a press conference held by Riot Games after winning Worlds, T1 members discussed which champions they would like to have for their skins. We should note that none of these are official and just what T1 would like, so they may change in the future.

Zeus: Gragas/Camille/Orrn

Onar: Vi/Xin Zhao

Faker: Undecided but wants fans to express their wishes.

Gumayusi: Varus/Jhin

Keria: Renata/Pyke

Again, it's important to note that these champion picks are not set in stone and the actual cosmetics may differ from what they said in the press conference.

In terms of Those of the League Worlds Cosmetics, all T1 players already have their Worlds cosmetics after winning last year's championship, where they chose Jayce, Lee Sin, Orianna, Jinx and Bard. Faker already has four cosmetics for the T1 World Cup and will have another to add to his collection.

Alloy fans will have to keep their eyes on Riot Games' Alloy social media gets to know the final skins of the World Cup coming next year.

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