Blooket join game code

To join a Blooket game, you will need the game code provided by the host of the game. Here’s a quick guide on how to join a Blooket game:

Steps to Join a Blooket Game:

  1. Get the Game Code: The host (usually a teacher or the game creator) will provide you with a 6-digit game code. This code is unique to each session and is necessary to join.
  2. Visit the Blooket Website:
    • Go to
  3. Enter the Game Code:
    • On the homepage of Blooket, click on the “Join a Game” button.
    • Enter the 6-digit game code that was given to you by the host.
  4. Select a Name and Join:
    • Choose a nickname or username.
    • Click on the “Join Game” button after entering the game code.

Once you’re in, you’ll be ready to participate in the game!


  • Make sure you are joining during the time that the game is active.
  • The game code changes with each new session, so it is essential to have the correct code for the specific game you want to join.

If you don’t have a game code yet, reach out to the person organizing the game for the code!