Should you save the mayor or leave him here in Dragon Age The Veilguard? Last Today


When you reach the desolate town of D'Meta's Crossing Dragon Age: The Veil Guardthings have gotten worse for citizens. They have been corrupted and many of them have succumbed to ruin, thanks to the mayor who offered them.

You meet the mayor when you reach the end of this town, and he is captured by the rust tentacle, which keeps him in place. There is an option where you can choose to save him, or you can make the decision to leave him there, probably until his death or whatever worse fate awaits him for succumbing to the elven gods, who have turned into his greed and in his gold. You should save the mayor or leave him there at D'meta's Crossing Dragon Age: The Veil Guard?

What happens when you save the mayor in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?

It is better to save the mayor or leave him in Dragon Age the Veilguard
You can choose to leave the mayor or free him from the plague. Dot Esports screenshot

When you choose to save the mayor who doomed the village of D'Meta's Crossing The Guard of the Veil, Neve approves of your decision, but Bellara does not. Given what he did to his people and how he was willing to give it to an elven god, he believes the mayor deserves his fate. But letting him go shows that you give people a change of heart, as long as they show they regret their decisions.

Saving the mayor, he warns how the elven gods can influence people's minds and enter their heads. it serves as a good piece of foreshadowing later in your campaign and gives you a chance to lean into the class you've chosen for your main character.

What happens when you leave the mayor there in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?

Leaving the mayor in Dragon Age The Veilguard
Leaving the mayor condemns him to his fate and promises that he will not be the last to fall. Dot Esports screenshot

The alternative is to leave the mayor to his fate and allow the tentacle of corruption to keep him in his place. If you make this decision, Neve disapproves of your gesture, while Bellara approves. Bellara was with you when you passed through the village and witnessed the ramifications of that greedy man's choices, and she doesn't want to risk letting him do the same down the road. Additionally, two Veil Skippers were lured into the village and are now dead because of it. Bellara has a lot more at stake here than anyone else, especially Neve.

The mayor foreshadows how the others will fall prey to the elven gods. He shares how they know what you want most and promise it to you before abandoning you to your fate.

Is it better to save him or leave the mayor in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?

As it stands, the choice is It's entirely up to you. It depends if you want it obtain approval from Neve or Bellara. When you choose to save the mayor you side with Neve, and if you leave the mayor there Bellara's consensus rises. If you want to look at it from a purely numbers standpoint, getting approved with Neve might be a better choice, especially since Bellara starts at approval level two. Snow is still at level one, although I'm working on improving her relationship with my main character.

The consequences of leaving the mayor behind are minor. His fate is explored in a later quest. It's up to you and your character if you want to leave him in his terrible place The Guard of the Veilbut he did it to himself, even if he gave up his entire village for a pile of gold.

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